Column object is an object that has the combined main properties of a column. It combines the properties of the data, the HTML, and the status of the column.
Properties of the Column Object
Property |
Description |
businessObject |
Refers to XML node of the businessObject associated with the column. |
rowData |
Refers to the XML node that forms the basis for data in the column. |
Methods of the Column Object
Method |
Description |
addEvent(event, handlerString, zoomUrl, zoomField ) |
Adds an event listener to the specified event. This listener will be called when the event fires.
- event: Required. String that denotes the type of event. Possible values areonbeforedatabind,onblur,oncalendarselect,onchange,onfocus, andonzoom.
- handlerString: Required. String that denotes the code to be executed when the event is fired.
- zoomUrl: Optional string that denotes the URL of the page to be displayed when a user zooms on a field. This is applicable in case of theonzoomevent.
- zoomField: Optional string that denotes the zoom field of the page that is displayed when a user zooms on the field. This is applicable in case of theonzoomevent.
getHeader() |
Retrieves the header object of the corresponding column. The following methods are available for the header object.
- getValue(): Retrieves the value of the header's label.
- setValue(value): Sets the specified value as the header's label.
- getTitle(): Retrieves the value of the header's tooltip.
- setTitle(title): Sets the specified value as the header's tooltip.
getFooter() |
Retrieves the footer object of the corresponding column. The following methods are available for the footer object.
- getValue(): Retrieves the footer value.
- setValue(value): Sets the specified value as the footer label.
setWidth(width) |
Integer that sets the width of the column. |
hide() |
Hides the specified column. |
freeze() |
Freezes the specified column. |
isFrozen() |
Boolean. Denotes if the column is frozen. Is set astrue, if frozen. |
isHidden() |
Boolean. Denotes if the column in hidden. Is set astrue, if the column is hidden. |
move(insertBeforeColumn) |
Moves the column to reposition it.
- insertBeforeColumn: Optional. Refers to the identifier of the column. Values can be string (id of the column) or integer (column index, where the index of the first column is 0).
remove() |
Removes the specified column. |
setFieldType(fieldType, misc1, misc2) |
Sets the field type for the column.
- fieldType: Possible values are input (default), output, password, textarea, checkbox, image, and dropdown.
- misc1: Optional string. Its usage depends on thefieldTypevalues described below.input: n/a output: n/a password: n/a textarea: n/a checkbox: Required. Is set as 1 or true, for the true value of the data bound. image: Optional. Boolean that denotes whether the image must display as a thumbnail. Default value is false. dropdown: Required. Refers to the ID of the drop-down field.
- misc2: Optional string. Its usage depends on thefieldtypevalues described below.input: n/a output: n/a password: n/a textarea: n/a checkbox: Required. Is set as 0 or false, for the false value of bound data. image: Optional. String that denotes the size of icons in a Column. Possible values are:small: Default. Size of column icons is set to small. mid: Size of column icons is set to medium. big: Size of column icons is set to big. dropdown: n/a
show() |
Displays the hidden column . |
sort(order) |
Sorts a column.
- order: Optional. Refers to the sorting order. Possible values areascending(default) ordescending.
unfreeze() |
Unfreezes the specified column. |
See Also
xgrid, cell object, row object, xpathBusinessObject